Why the Amazing Spider-Man is the most enjoyable!

 The reviews of The Amazing Spider-Man series is all of the place from incredible to straight up awful. And to me that is really bizarre. I feel like the vast majority of the time is that it is 50/50 but, the people I talk to seem to dislike the series except me. It has a different charm in comparison to them all. Toby played Spider-Man the way I expected Spider-Man to be. Tom Holland, I felt is the best Spider-Man for the job because he brings in the youth and it blends well with his acting style. Watching Tom is like a breath of fresh air sometimes. However I don't feel his movies come near to what Andrew Garfield has done. Andrew feels like he has the right build for the role. Sometimes I think Andrew is a little to cocky to bee Spider-Man as he is supposed to be a teenager but, teenagers are cocky too, so it counts in my eyes. He able to showcase his amazing acting ability, especially in scenes where Peter is face with his own morality. In the end I feel like I enjoy the mature hero in Andrew then the more childish Tom. And that's why I feel 


  1. I think that Andrew Garfield played a compelling Spider-Man/Peter Parker. I feel that his role Spider-Man conveyed what Spider-Man should be. He was quippy and confident as a hero. But I do not fully agree with the way he portrayed Peter Parker (I blame writers and directors lol) because of his cocky nature. It is not accurate to what Peter is, which is a nerd who struggles and struggles to eventually overcomes many grounded obstacles of life (relationships, school, bullying, etc.). This part of him is what drew many people to like him. He's relatable. But when an overconfident Peter can shoo away bullies and get the girl he wants in the blink of an eye, its no longer the iconic Peter Parker. However, due to this slight change in personality, whenever he faces failures, they hit harder (e.g. when Gwen Stacey died).


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