My thoughts on Moonlight!
Moonlight is a 2016 drama film directed by Barry Jenkins. The film is divided into three acts, each focusing on a different stage in the life of its protagonist, Chiron. The story explores Chiron's experiences as a young boy, a teenager, and a young man, grappling with issues of identity, masculinity, and sexuality. In the first act, titled "Little," we meet a Chiron, who is nicknamed "Little" due to him being so small. He is struggling with his mother's drug addiction and this is how he finds and and takes guidance from Juan, a drug dealer played by Mahershala Ali. Juan becomes a father figure to Chiron. Then we make it to the second at titled "Chiron" and this act follows the teenage life of Chiron where he faces constant building and him trying to understand his sexual identity. This is where we really see a character by the name of Kevin truly be fleshed out. We see him as the as a heterosexual male in the beginning of the act, however that begins to change with him and Chiron sharing a their own feelings about one another. Then the final act, titled "Black" shows Chiron as a grown man who now goes by the nickname black. He became a tough drug dealer similar to Juan. This act goes over his self journey of self acceptance and accepting his past.
This movie was amazing. Simply put the plot and whole movie being broken down into separate acts made the movie flow so well. My favorite scene is when Juan teaches Chiron how to swim. Juan explains to Chiron that basically the world is much bigger than he might think and there's more to life than what is immedicably visible. And this is honestly my biggest take away. The subtle
meanings behind everything really allowed me to enjoy the movie. Another reason I enjoyed this movie so much is because of the way they utilized the color blue, as something that when a black person is in the moonlight and the color blue shines off them. They use this basically to create your own blue, to be your own person because no one has the same blue.
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