What I thought about Jaws!

 Jaws" is a 1975 thriller film directed by Steven Spielberg. the story revolves around a great white shark that begins attacking and terrorizing the local community during the summer tourist season. The town's police chief, Martin Brody played by Roy Schneider who is now in charge of the town as he just moved here from New York. The shark terrorizes the community and results in a Marine Biologist of Matt Hooper who is played by Richard Derfuss, to get more information on these shark attacks. The towns mayor then puts up a bounty for the shark and a reward of money for whoever kills the shark. This results in many fisherman and ordinary people setting out into the ocean to try and kill this shark. They end up coming back with a shark. Then the town is now presumed to be safe, however that isn't the case because the same shark that has been harming the innocent lives comes back and kills more people. This then leads to the introduction the shark hunter Quint played by Robert Shaw, and where he teams up with Brody and Hooper to hunt down and kill the menacing shark. The film is known for providing its suspenseful atmosphere and memorable music. It constantly utilizes the fear and tension that people. Jaws basically set the standards for a blockbuster film earning multiple awards in the process.

I loved this movie personally, and this being my first time watching the film made it a lot better. I was really surprised about dynamic the movie was from the acting and the way Jaws was made and orchestrated. I had always assumed that the movie Jaws was a brand new concept like 10 years old but when I found out that this movie was made in 1975 I was shocked because it seemed so ahead of its time. I really loved seeing the trio of Brody, Hooper and Quint work together because the movie made these three characters work so well with one another. Brody being the rock being down to earth always showing concern for everything. Then there's Hooper who always using science and its reasoning behind it and then there's Quint who is the hard head always believing that real life experience goes further than any science degree. Which I found incredibly fun especially in todays society where people try to fight work experience over a degree and it never ends well.


  1. I'm so glad you finally got to enjoy JAWS! I LOVE your comment abou the dynamic among the 3 principal characters!


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